Your personal health dashboard
Monitor your glucose, blood biomarkers, and activity to discover why you feel the way you do

Available for iOS and Android. Follow the directions—it's free!
Sync your Glucose Sensor, Activity Trackers, or Lab Test Results easily.
Track your progress, pinpoint areas for improvement, and recognize patterns.
Identify foods that cause glucose spikes and adjust your diet for better insulin sensitivity.
Cardiovascular and metabolic health go hand in hand. Regulate your glucose levels and witness the positive changes.
Manage your glucose levels to encourage your body to tap into fat reserves for energy.
Discover the key biomarkers you need to enhance for optimal performance and vitality.
These are some of the questions our customers often ask us.
You can purchase it from our store, and we'll ship it directly to your home, or you can find it in pharmacies and self-service stores. The price varies, but you can check it here.
Yes, as long as it's a FreeStyle Libre brand and you purchased it in Mexico.
The sensor lasts 14 days, during which you can continuously measure your glucose. Once the 14 days are over, the sensor cannot be reused.
The glucose sensor only works with phones that have NFC functionality. iPhones have had NFC since the iPhone 7, and for Android phones, you can check your model in this database.
The sensor itself doesn't directly affect your glucose or insulin levels, so the sensor alone cannot reverse it. However, by changing your habits and reducing glucose spikes and variability, you can gradually reduce your cells' insulin resistance, and in some cases, completely reverse it.
Within your app, there's an option to upload your results in PDF. Once you do, they'll be ready in 24-48 hours.
We store it anonymously to protect your data, and by design, this data is 100% yours. You can export, delete, and take it with you whenever you want.
You can use a full version for free, and we have paid versions with many more tools. You can see both the prices and what's included in the "prices" section on our website.
The promotion isn't always active, but there are times during the year when we offer a free sensor or discounts for the annual plan subscription.
The sensor itself doesn't have any impact on your weight. However, there's a relationship between your weight and your body's ability to use fat as energy and regulate its storage. The more stable your glucose curve, the better your metabolic health and the easier it'll be to lose weight.